Hey Publishers, Broadcasters, Agencies and Ad-Tech platforms!
- Select your favorite nonprofit. We can guarantee that your 501c3 nets greater donations when you work with us than if you give them the PSA inventory directly. You determine the default nonprofit on the landing page as a byproduct of a PURL or UTM. (see below)
- higher CTR on ads or higher response rate on video, audio, or outdoor ads (QR code enabled)
- higher conversion rate to donation on our philanthropic sweepstakes landing pages
- higher AOV/ADV (average donation value) than a typical landing page
- Free Co-Registration (Coreg) offered to the nonprofit, for paid or unpaid entrants (if volume is over 5000 registrations a month)
- We can reward you as the media or platform partner with several benefits no one else can (if volume is over 5000 registrations per month):
- Affirmative opt-in Coreg (Co-Registration) into your email list with high disclosure (
- Offer to have entrants download your app(s)
- Thank you visibility
- Data on traffic quality
- Survey data
Our partnership is MUCH MORE than a PSA donation. We can “give forward” value based on the clicks you send over. By using a promo URL and/or UTM parameters (TV ads and Radio don’t have UTMs). A properly formatted UTM lets you get credit for sending over the clicks and your preferred approved 501c3 becomes the beneficiary. Here’s a sample inbound URL using Weather.com as the sample PSA donor of a display ad-slot settingthe ASPCA as the default cause.
If a partnership (for example with Weather.com were large enough, we would also create:
weather.sweepsforacause.org (the .com would also resolve as would sweeps4acause.org and .com)
Your nonprofit wins, and you win with Giving Forward (the nonprofit behind Sweeps For A Cause).